R7 router question
Hi, I lease a DSL modem from CenturyLink currently and use ethernet for my laptop. Would this router replace that, or be added to that one? How do I know it is compatible with CenturyLink's system, and what my download speeds will be?
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All Internet connections require a gateway/modem device and then a router. ISPs (Internet Service Providers) usually provide a combination modem/router unit where the two devices are built into one unit.
For cable Internet, it's best to buy a cable modem aftermarket. For DSL it *may* be more difficult to buy an aftermarket modem - we would have to do some more research into this. Sometimes you can keep the modem your ISP provided you, and disable all of the wireless from it so that it is completely quiet. ONLY do this if you have a radiofrequency (RF) meter to verify that the wireless has, in fact, been completely disabled.
Then you could simply plug our R7 router into that. It is just plug-and-play. The R7 router's wired gigabit Interface supports up to 1000 megabits or 1 gigabit speeds. The wireless supports high speed as well, far higher than your DSL service could ever dream of providing for you. So your DSL will be holding you back not the router, if that makes sense.