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I want to find a proper device to measure 5G Extreme High Frequencies

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  • Answered

I have been suggested to buy the HF-ANALYSER HF38B.

I am not an expert in this sort of devices but it is mention that the top peak read the this analyser can measure is 2.7Ghz while the standard 5G Broadband expected in my town is 26Ghz which it makes it 10 times higher.

Can anyone please advise a suitable device for 5G Frequencies measurement.

Kind regards


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Shaun A Kranish Principal
  • Answer

It looks like 5G is rolling out and utilizing a wide range of frequencies.  Some of those frequencies are 12 Ghz and below.  For this we are recommending the Safe and Sound Pro 2 Meter.

Another good alternative to that meter would be the Acoustimeter AM10.  However, the AM10 does not have as wide of a frequency range.  Its specs only go up to 8 Ghz whereare the Safe and Sound Pro 2 goes up to 12 Ghz.

Neither of these meters will cover *all* 5G (5th Generation - not to be confused with 5Ghz - 5G does NOT stand for gigahertz) frequencies.  They will cover some, and likely be able to show you when 5G is present.  But these meters may not be able to actually measure all of the frequencies emitted by 5G antenna systems.

Justin Fearell
Quote from Rod Berg

Do you have the link for the NBM-520, that includes the price at $4600-$5500, and links to the 40-50ghz models priced at $1400 you have mentioned. That would be awesome. Thanks.

I just discovered that the Wavecontrol SMP2 has a field probe available that will allow it to detect up 60 Ghz.  The SMP2 with a 40 Ghz field probe is $3,000, but I don't know how much the 60 Ghz field probe is.  

Justin Fearell
Quote from Rod Berg

Do you have the link for the NBM-520, that includes the price at $4600-$5500, and links to the 40-50ghz models priced at $1400 you have mentioned. That would be awesome. Thanks.

Justin Fearell
Quote from Rod Berg

Do you have the link for the NBM-520, that includes the price at $4600-$5500, and links to the 40-50ghz models priced at $1400 you have mentioned. That would be awesome. Thanks.

Here is a list of what is available in mid-2019:

Wavecontrol SMP2 + WPF40 field probe - 40Ghz $3000~

Wawemon RF40 - 40Ghz $1400~

Nardalert S3 - 50Ghz $1700~

EME Guard - 40Ghz $1800~

Rod Berg
Quote from Justin Fearell

I googled NBM-520 and I'm finding used ones and similar models in the $4,600 to 5,500 range.  By comparison 40-50 Ghz models start at around $1,400.  If you want to meter 60 Ghz you're gonna have to fork out the big bucks.  

Do you have the link for the NBM-520, that includes the price at $4600-$5500, and links to the 40-50ghz models priced at $1400 you have mentioned. That would be awesome. Thanks.

Rod Berg
Quote from Concerned Citizen

I am also looking for a device that detects 60 GHZ because that is the one that inhibits oxygen uptake by the hemoglobin and of most concern. I live where there is constant testing of microwave weapons and radar technology by the military and there are days where when walking outside, I am over taken with hyper tension, shortness of breath which was very distressing and scary. It took almost 18 hours to recover after removing myself from the area. My daughter who was with me woke up with green around her eyes which can be caused from iron depletion. Could that have been caused by whatever hemoglobin that had oxygen was spent quickly? Very suspecious and concerning. She took iron and the skin returned to normal color in a day. That never happpened to her before. We all need to demand a moratorium until more testing on human exposure is done. This is al very concerning. I typically have low blood pressure and am as relaxed as a yogi. Humans should not have to be concerned about the biological damage from technology. Technology should not be allowed to proceed until proven 100% harmless. 

I am so sorry this is happening to you and your family.
Do these psychopathic slave owners ever tell us the truth

about anything? Does anyone know

specifically what they're going to do, and have already done? It's all speculation right now. We need hard evidence! They lie about everything.Could this be part of the current psyop? They love to spread fear, panic, lies, and misdirection.
Take care.

Justin Fearell

Has anyone heard of a frequency higher than 39 Ghz being designated for standard 5G use anywhere?   Every city is different for how the frequencies are being divided up among carriers.  

Justin Fearell

...and as far as I can tell so far those higher frequencies won't be used in standard 5G signals from antennas.  They will only be used for close proximity large file device to device transfers, and even that is something they talk about as possible plan for the future.  It's alot like using a wireless charger which has the device and the charger actually touching.  The signal will only travel a millimeter and it won't travel through nearby people.  It will only give off the normal EMF radiation that every electronic device emits.  I'm not trying to defend the use of 5G but if this is true, it sounds at least like some good news to me.  The higher frequencies are the most dangerous.  If you're talking about using it for detecting millimeter wave weapons that's another story.  A 60 Ghz meter may not be enough.  The Active Denial Crowd Control System use 95 Ghz.  Of course you don't need a meter for that.  You skin is all the meter you'd need.  

Justin Fearell

I googled NBM-520 and I'm finding used ones and similar models in the $4,600 to 5,500 range.  By comparison 40-50 Ghz models start at around $1,400.  If you want to meter 60 Ghz you're gonna have to fork out the big bucks.