Your comments

Hey There,

We are sorry that the electric company took you meter.  We've been hearing a lot of that happening recently.  When it comes to the electric companies and there meters, we can not give any advice on the subject.  The reason for that is every state, county, or township has the own set of rules and laws and we simply cant keep track of all that.   You might need to talk to someone from the electric company about this or maybe even someone who practices laww in your area.  I'm sorry that we couldn't answer your questions.  We really hope for the best result for you as well.  

Thank You,


Hi Jerry,

The Low RF Router we offer can be used with any modem, however we would like to recommend that the modem have no wireless capabilities.  Your standard non-wireless modems are perfect for this and would help out greatly for all your issues and provide great internet service.   We are always here to help so if there any questions you can contact us and we will do anything we can to help out.  

Thank You,


Hey Gray,

No you do not need to shield your cell phone if its turned off.  When the device is off it won't produce anything.  If you have any other question or need hep with anything else please feel free to reach out to us.  

Thank You, 
