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I want to find a proper device to measure 5G Extreme High Frequencies

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  • Answered

I have been suggested to buy the HF-ANALYSER HF38B.

I am not an expert in this sort of devices but it is mention that the top peak read the this analyser can measure is 2.7Ghz while the standard 5G Broadband expected in my town is 26Ghz which it makes it 10 times higher.

Can anyone please advise a suitable device for 5G Frequencies measurement.

Kind regards


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Shaun A Kranish Principal
  • Answer

It looks like 5G is rolling out and utilizing a wide range of frequencies.  Some of those frequencies are 12 Ghz and below.  For this we are recommending the Safe and Sound Pro 2 Meter.

Another good alternative to that meter would be the Acoustimeter AM10.  However, the AM10 does not have as wide of a frequency range.  Its specs only go up to 8 Ghz whereare the Safe and Sound Pro 2 goes up to 12 Ghz.

Neither of these meters will cover *all* 5G (5th Generation - not to be confused with 5Ghz - 5G does NOT stand for gigahertz) frequencies.  They will cover some, and likely be able to show you when 5G is present.  But these meters may not be able to actually measure all of the frequencies emitted by 5G antenna systems.

Justin Fearell

Do you have any info on inhibiting the oxygen uptake by hemoglobin from 60 Ghz?  Here is a 60 Ghz meter I found.  It is like Government contractor level technology and I have no idea what it costs or if you can even buy it.  This is from 2008 so it's been around awhile.  There's got to be other ones out there by now.

Concerned Citizen

I am also looking for a device that detects 60 GHZ because that is the one that inhibits oxygen uptake by the hemoglobin and of most concern. I live where there is constant testing of microwave weapons and radar technology by the military and there are days where when walking outside, I am over taken with hyper tension, shortness of breath which was very distressing and scary. It took almost 18 hours to recover after removing myself from the area. My daughter who was with me woke up with green around her eyes which can be caused from iron depletion. Could that have been caused by whatever hemoglobin that had oxygen was spent quickly? Very suspecious and concerning. She took iron and the skin returned to normal color in a day. That never happpened to her before. We all need to demand a moratorium until more testing on human exposure is done. This is al very concerning. I typically have low blood pressure and am as relaxed as a yogi. Humans should not have to be concerned about the biological damage from technology. Technology should not be allowed to proceed until proven 100% harmless. 

Dave S

Pretty expensive.. not very informed on this subject ...but believe will go up to 50ghz

hope this helps

Sharon Noble
Quote from Michael Smith

same thought / 2hrs behind you 

If people are concerned about EMR, and they should be, why worry about 5G only. 1000s of studies have shown that exposure to even low levels of microwave radiation from 2G, 3G or 4G can cause serious biological harm. And why consider 5G enabled cell phones? If you are worried about 5G, I assume you know that cell phones, cordless phones, wifi can be very harmful especially to vulnerable people: children; fetuses; those with weakened immune systems. Devices that are hard wired via fiber optic cable are much more efficient, getting faster service, more data, they are harder to hack and they don't irradiate people around them. People need to stop fixating on 5G. Granted the small cells will be close to homes, most will have functional 3G and 4G transmitters as well as 5G (which may not use milliwave frequencies for some time).   IMHO this is what we should be worried about and fighting.

Rod Berg
Quote from Justin Fearell

It sounds like I have no idea what the frequency will be?  I just explained that in detail.  It sounds like you have a problem with basic reading comprehension.  Go read it again.  They will use many frequencies and most of them will be under 6 Ghz.  I never claimed that not using 5G would protect anyone from EMF radiation which is another topic altogether.  EMF radiation is emitted from every electronic device we use.  If you don't use 5G with your phone you won't be sending these higher frequencies to your ear constantly.  That's some fairly basic common sense for you to not understand.  So it's a terrible attitude to protect ourselves?  What in the...?  "Our only option is to not have Wi-fi?"  When did I say that?  Well, current routers already use 5G frequencies of 5Ghz and 2.4 Ghz.   Anyone who has a    WI-FI router in their home has already been constantly exposing themselves for years to the same frequencies that 5G will use.  Bluetooth also uses 2.45 Ghz which is the same as a microwave oven.  If you shield your home from radiation those materials are often reflective so if you still use a router it will just bounce the signals around in your home and make the problem worse.  The other option is to use a router guard which lowers RF radiation below safe levels but then you can't shield your home with anything reflective.  They do have materials that absorb rather than reflect though.  Why are you against anti-radiation or faraday clothing?  You do know that these materials can block 90-98% of RF Radiation don't you?  Why wouldn't you use them?   For someone who is so scared of 5G that seems like an odd thing to say.  I'm not sure what your fixation on 60 Ghz is about, but they are not using frequencies that high through antennas.  I already explained that the higher frequencies will be only be used for close proximity device to device transfers and those will be more like 80 Ghz anyway.  So what do you think a 60 Ghz meter will do for you?  The devices will literally have to be right next to each other and your meter would have to be between them to even be in the path.  You would also have to be between the devices to be exposed.  If you don't use 5G it won't even be an issue for you.  It sounds like you have some misconceptions about 5G and your lacking some basic information and understanding. You'll need to educate yourself before you can even begin to have an intelligent conversation about it.  Hey, I'm with you that 5G should be banned.  If you think you can stop them then more power to you.  I'll cheer you on but I'm not holding my breath, and in the meanwhile I'm going to take the practical approach and protect myself and my family, and you should too. 

You got some good info.
5G Cell Towers are More Dangerous for Two Main Reasons:

  • First, 5G emits “ultra high frequencies”. The higher the frequency, the shorter the length of each wave. This means more waves hit our bodies in the same amount of time. Previous cellular generations emitted from 1 to 6 GHz frequencies. 5G cell towers may emit frequencies as high as 300 GHz.
  • Second, 5G technology requires “ultra high intensity”. Since the shorter length millimeter waves (MMV) used in 5G do not travel as far (and get obstructed easier), with our current number of cell towers the cell signal will not be reliable. To compensate 5G cell towers will have to emit the lower 3G & 4G waves as well, and many more “mini cell towers” will have to be installed. It is estimated that they will need a mini cell tower every 2 to 8 houses. All of this combined will greatly increase our RF Radiation exposure.
Justin Fearell
Quote from Rod Berg

It sounds like you have no idea what the frequency will be. Whether someone buys 5G for their phone, doesn't do anything to protect anyone from EMF radiation. "It won't be that hard to protect ourselves?" I think that's a terrible attitude. We don't want or need any human cooking!!! Our only option is to not have Wi-fi? We need to fight against this insanity! Can you show me an EMF detector that measures up to 60Ghz, please. Faraday and anti radiation clothing? Gimme a break! Time to wake up and fight people! They have done studies with 5G on animals and the findings are awful.
Some studies:
"We the undersigned,more than 180 scientists and doctors from 35 countries, recommend a moratoriumon the roll-out of the fifth generation, 5G, for telecommunication until potential hazards for human health and the environment have been fully investigated by scientists independent from industry."

It sounds like I have no idea what the frequency will be?  I just explained that in detail.  It sounds like you have a problem with basic reading comprehension.  Go read it again.  They will use many frequencies and most of them will be under 6 Ghz.  I never claimed that not using 5G would protect anyone from EMF radiation which is another topic altogether.  EMF radiation is emitted from every electronic device we use.  If you don't use 5G with your phone you won't be sending these higher frequencies to your ear constantly.  That's some fairly basic common sense for you to not understand.  So it's a terrible attitude to protect ourselves?  What in the...?  "Our only option is to not have Wi-fi?"  When did I say that?  Well, current routers already use 5G frequencies of 5Ghz and 2.4 Ghz.   Anyone who has a    WI-FI router in their home has already been constantly exposing themselves for years to the same frequencies that 5G will use.  Bluetooth also uses 2.45 Ghz which is the same as a microwave oven.  If you shield your home from radiation those materials are often reflective so if you still use a router it will just bounce the signals around in your home and make the problem worse.  The other option is to use a router guard which lowers RF radiation below safe levels but then you can't shield your home with anything reflective.  They do have materials that absorb rather than reflect though.  Why are you against anti-radiation or faraday clothing?  You do know that these materials can block 90-98% of RF Radiation don't you?  Why wouldn't you use them?   For someone who is so scared of 5G that seems like an odd thing to say.  I'm not sure what your fixation on 60 Ghz is about, but they are not using frequencies that high through antennas.  I already explained that the higher frequencies will be only be used for close proximity device to device transfers and those will be more like 80 Ghz anyway.  So what do you think a 60 Ghz meter will do for you?  The devices will literally have to be right next to each other and your meter would have to be between them to even be in the path.  You would also have to be between the devices to be exposed.  If you don't use 5G it won't even be an issue for you.  It sounds like you have some misconceptions about 5G and your lacking some basic information and understanding. You'll need to educate yourself before you can even begin to have an intelligent conversation about it.  Hey, I'm with you that 5G should be banned.  If you think you can stop them then more power to you.  I'll cheer you on but I'm not holding my breath, and in the meanwhile I'm going to take the practical approach and protect myself and my family, and you should too. 

Shaun A Kranish Principal
Quote from Angela W

Hello.  Is that a serious comment re "the industry has been banned from making tech to detect this level of radiation"?  If so, that's serious and very concerning.  I too wish to purchase a EMF monitor capable of measuring 5G.  

I haven't heard any rumors like that.  I haven't heard of any pushback against manufacturers of meters.  They are catching up.  I think the higher frequencies are currently more expensive to measure.

Shaun A Kranish Principal

This one is more of a detector - not really a meter.  It is only to show when levels have reached EXTREMELY high power densities - enough to cause immediate noticeable harm to a great number of people.  It is for workers who work on this equipment, to help avoid them getting in the beams and frying themselves.

So I don't think a detector like this would be very useful at all except for measuring extremely high levels - being very very close in proximity to antenna.  For biological purposes - health purposes - like we always measure for in accordance with Building Biology standards - this type of detector doesn't cut it.

But it does serve to show people that this stuff is dangerous - and if it were not dangerous why would safety detectors like this even exist.  This isn't the only one - there are many RF safety detectors for antenna workers available on the market.

Shaun A Kranish Principal
  • Answer

It looks like 5G is rolling out and utilizing a wide range of frequencies.  Some of those frequencies are 12 Ghz and below.  For this we are recommending the Safe and Sound Pro 2 Meter.

Another good alternative to that meter would be the Acoustimeter AM10.  However, the AM10 does not have as wide of a frequency range.  Its specs only go up to 8 Ghz whereare the Safe and Sound Pro 2 goes up to 12 Ghz.

Neither of these meters will cover *all* 5G (5th Generation - not to be confused with 5Ghz - 5G does NOT stand for gigahertz) frequencies.  They will cover some, and likely be able to show you when 5G is present.  But these meters may not be able to actually measure all of the frequencies emitted by 5G antenna systems.

Michael Smith
Quote from Tek Geek

a dumb question. Can we use a 5G capable phone and some app to read radiations from a tower. Specially a verizon 5G phone. Would it work. Since what i am reading from all the posts that verizon is using 39GHz. So there new 5G phones are 39GHz capable. I guess.

any thoughts about this idea. Then we can show how much radiation verizon is putting out on verizon own phone.

same thought / 2hrs behind you