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1 amp and even 1 milliamp or microamp is a lot of current!

Shaun A Kranish Principal
  • updated
  • Answered

In our work in EMF/EMR remediation, we often deal with what engineers/electricians/etc would consider "small" or even "tiny" amounts of current.  Yet these so-called small amounts of current are actually quite large in our opinion.  Especially at high frequencies, these small amounts of current can be extremely biologically active.

One "amp" which is short for ampere of current is actually about 6.242 x 10^18 electronics flowing past a point on a circuit in one second.  How does that number actually look?

6,242,000,000,000,000,000,000 electrons flowing past a point per second - one amp

That's the amount of current that approximately two (2) 60 watt incandescent light bulbs would cause to flow on a typical 120 volt home circuit.

So when an engineer or electrician tells you "a milliamp is nothing"...let's take another look at that.

If one amp is:

6,242,000,000,000,000,000,000 (1 amp) electronics per second, then one milliamp is: 

       6,242,000,000,000,000,000 (1 milliamp) electrons per second.  And how about a microamp?

              6,242,000,000,000,000 (1 microamp) electrons per second.

Now how small is a milliamp or microamp looking?  It only seemed small before because the typical measurement instruments of the past few decades and even today used by the public only measure down to milliamps (if you're lucky).  It takes more advanced equipment to measure down to milliamps and microamps and smaller.  So your typical engineers and electricians won't have or use this special equipment.  So naturally the human mind starts to look at these numbers as being small.

But put into this perspective - that's a lot of electrons flowing and interacting with the physical environment - including animals and human bodies!!!!