Low DE dimmer switch?
Good Day,
I have a neighbor who has dimmer switches that are producing RFI that make me sick. I've tried filters at my house, to no avail. He will let me change some of the switches to simple on/off switches, but wants to keep two of them. Are there dimmer switches that claim to by DE free (or low DE) that he could try for me?
Thank you for all that you do!
Unfortunately there are not. You can install Stetzerizer Filters near the dimmer. Usually there is an outlet that is on the same circuit as the dimmer switch (look at nearby outlets to see if they jump up to like 700+ when dimmer is turned on). This would be the best thing you could do - installing filters closest to the source. We also have some new filters coming up that may help additionally as well with some of the super high frequency stuff.
ElectraHealth Principal
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