unshielded cables connected to shielded cables
Hello, we are hardwiring our internet and adding ethernet connections to each room. Is it okay to use non-shielded cables throughout the walls (we are renovating), but have shielded cables connecting the devices to the new ethernet ports? I was told that using shielded cables would increase the cost by 3X, and it's already quite expensive to do the wiring.
Thank you.
Would you be willing to Jump on a quick call so that I can ask some follow-up specific questions? It would help me understand what you are trying to accomplish in a low emissions perspective. There are ways to do this no matter what the scenario may be, but we would want to confirm a few things before we provide any direct guidance for what would be needed. Let me know if we can set this up! Thanks for your patience!
- Seth
- Electrahealth Team
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